Final Collage



First, I want to say thank you for all of the feedback during the edit process, I really appreciate it.

I wanted to start off by providing an overview of my draft process, so you will have a better idea about my final edits. My original idea was to make a collage full of photos of my husband and I. I chose the “P” shape because that is what our last name starts with. So I found and resized images to fit into the “P” shape. I chose to keep they images black and white because I wanted to control the overall coloring of the collage. I then used a quote that I felt went along with the overall theme of my collage by Aristotle.

As for updates to my photo collage. I attempted to start over with the photos and reshape the “P” with less images; however, once I had that done I just really didn’t like the way it looked, so I went back to the original draft “P” and images. I attempted reshaped the P by going image by image and erasing some of the outer edges, and then I used the blur tool on all of the same images. I felt that this removed some of the stark contrast between the black and white images and the white background. That was my intent anyways.  After that I added a black border around the image because I felt it helped shape the collage a bit better. Then I moved “Marcus & Tabitha” to the top of the “P” and then moved the Aristotle quote to the bottom. I kept the same font because I still really liked the way it looked. I then increased the size of the quote so it’d be larger and easier to read as requested in my peer review. Once all of that was done, I played with the brightness and contrast, by lowering the brightness a bit and increasing the contrast. Once that was done, I altered the levels, curves and exposure. I wanted the image to pop a little bit but still maintain my overall theme.

I watched a few more YouTube tutorials during the revision process, mainly about adding the black outer boarder and how to erase and blend properly. I’m not 100 percent satisfied with my work, but I am still very new to Photoshop and hope to revisit this project once I’m more familiar and comfortable. With that said I am pleased with what I was able to accomplish with this collage and looking forward to the next project.

Thank you again for your feedback on this project.


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