Audio draft


When it came time to conduct the interviews for the raw audio assignment I was nervous. I wasn’t entirely sure what avenue I wanted to go down for my audio story so prior to the interviews I wrote down five questions for both of the people I interviewed. I interviewed my husband Marcus first, because I decided that our story would be my topic. I then interviewed my twin sister Sarah, because besides my husband she’s the most important person in my life. She lives in Albuquerque so I had to FaceTime her and then record my computer for her interview.

After I uploaded the interviews into Audition I played them both, because during the interview I wasn’t really listening to what they were saying because I was actively involved in the conversation. So it was interesting to hear it back.

From there I set out my audio story. I knew that I would have to re-record myself in the story as the narrator because I wanted to include my own answers to the questions asked during the interview as well.

To give you a brief history of my husband and I. We met originally in 6th Grade. My family moved in the middle of the year so I was the “new girl” to my class, and Marcus just so happened to be one of the boys that welcomed me with open arms. Fast forward to 9th Grade and it was time for Tolo, and I wasn’t planning on going until I realized that all my friends were going so I decided to ask a guy that I knew 100% would say yes. That guy was Marcus. Shortly after asking him, he and I both were nominated for Tolo court, and then crowned prince and process for our class. After the dance we went our separate ways for the remainder of High School. Six years later were were reintroduced through a mutual friend and have been together ever since.

It was sort of interesting listening to his take on the story because I wanted him to be all mushy like “I always knew it was you”, but it wasn’t and I love his honesty even though my ego was a bit crushed, because back in 6th grade I played MASH, and we “totally” got married.

As for what I did in Audition, I loaded each interview and then separated each question so I could go through and remove the “likes”, the “ums” and unnecessary pauses.

From there I played back what I had left from the interviews and then devised what I would be recording to bring the two interviews together into a story. Which took more takes than I ever thought it would.

As for the final draft, I think I need a closing statement to tie it all together and I think I need to play with the volume levels so it is all the same. Because some times I’m louder than Marcus and Sarah, as well as mixing the levels so the transitions are more smooth.

Thank you for you feedback and I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! Sarah and I are spending our 30th in Vegas!


4 thoughts on “Audio draft

  1. Hi Tab,

    I think you are off to a great start. I want to bring up a couple technical issues first. At about the 59 sec and 1:07 marks, there are pauses that seem just a tad too long. You might want to reduce/cut them. The other suggestion is to consider adding ambient music. It may help tie the entire piece together and cover up the pauses. In addition, I agree that the volumes need to be adjusted because there are times when your husband and sister’s voices are too soft.

    As for the story, I think it could be expanded and that is ends too abruptly. After listening to your raw data files, perhaps you could work in the following—the story about Joe texting you on your husband’s phone, one of your husband’s defining moments, and your sister’s description of serendipity. I know what it means and I have seen the movie; that is why I think it would be a good addition to your story. I think it will add to the romance, and who doesn’t like a good love story? I can’t wait to hear the final story.

    Great job!

  2. Tabitha,
    This is a really cute story and I love how you told your story! One problem I had though was when your husband spoke, the volume of the audio was a lot quieter than when you spoke. Also I agree and think that there were a few places that there were some awkward pauses that lasted a little too long. I would also like to hear more from your sister and your husband about your relationship. I think it would be great to have everyone kind of discuss your relationship more in depth and really tell us about your story! Overall though, great!

  3. Hi Tabitha,

    I really liked your love story for your draft and l liked the way you choose to present it. Listening to this is made me just want to hear more about your relationship, which is what I was expecting to hear. Maybe adding a few more details would be good to give your story more body and depth. I think adding a romantic song or melody would be a great addition to your final audio post. There are also a weird long pause within you post around 1 minute that could be fixed so that the flow of the piece would fit better. I like the volume of your voice but your husband and sisters voice came across pretty low. Making the volume higher on them would improve the post really well. I think you did a great job as a whole!!!

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