Wrap-Up Post


I took this course because I wanted to learn how to use Photoshop. I had no clue that Audition, Premiere or Illustrator even existed. As for my future career path, I have eight years until I retire from the military and my next career is to be determined. This is my last undergrad semester; so I will be pursuing a graduate degree in either psychology or business management. I think I want to work with Veterans reintegrating into society, but 8 years is a long enough time that my career ideas may change.

My favorite assignment this semester was the Photoshop assignment; mainly because that was the system I wanted to learn the most, and also because I really love photography so creating a project with photos was right up my alley. Illustrator was fun as well; I just am not that talented to create from scratch. Audition and Premiere were eye opening and enjoyable as well, I just don’t see myself making videos ever again if I’m being honest, but I loved working outside of my comfort level and being pushed to create from nothing. Turns out I’m not an artist, but I think I already knew that. 

I don’t think there was anything I wished I would have learned more, again just more of a focus on Photoshop, but after I thought about it; Photoshop is something that I need to learn on my own, and the only way to do that is to dive in and figure it out myself. The first time I opened Microsoft Word I was just as clueless, you know? There weren’t any outside websites that helped, the tutorial videos posted by the professor were all really well done and I was able to follow along.

I wanted to end by thanking all of you for offering honest and supportive feedback during each project. I felt pretty vulnerable at times because I was so clueless with these systems and you were all wonderful! I enjoyed working with you and wish you all nothing but happiness and success in all your future endeavors.

Lastly, Go Cougs!


Thanks, Tab

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